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Airbus 320 Type Rating Program

The course is aimed at pilots who wish to become type rated for the Airbus 320 Family.
It is conducted to EASA Part-FCL regulations orDGCA India regulations (CAR Oct 2016).

With the Type Rating A320, TNC Aviation offers experienced pilots as well as beginners the qualification to fly one of the most successful models of the Airbus family. During the training we impart knowledge of systems by means of CBT & MFTD and with the support of our trainers. You gain practical experience in the full flight simulator. After successfully completing the exams and the base training, the licence registration is carried out by the aeronautical authority. 

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We Offer A320 Type Rating in accordance With DGCA india Regulations The A320 type Rating is inclusive Of MCC + JOC

MCC – Multi Crew Cooperation Course – For a commercial airliner every pilot must be proficient in Multi-crew Cooperation. They have to know their part for the phase of flight be it normal procedures and operations or dealing with abnormal and emergency operations. The Multi-Crew Cooperation course will bring you up to skill with concepts of flying like Team Work, decision making, use of checklists, mutual support while giving you a look into the operational framework of airline pilots.

The Multi Crew Cooperation training is carried out on a A320 Fixed Base Simulator to help you achieve a realistic understanding of aircraft systems and piloting dynamics.

Jet Orientation Course – The Jet Orientation Course is the perfect training program to provide a smooth transition from piston-engine aircraft to Jet engine operations. Jet engines have their own characteristics and the course will develop your understanding, handling skills and awareness in the jet environment to operate them proficently.

Most airlines around the world consider Jet orientation course as a mandatory requirement for their selection criteria

Minimum Requirements

dgca preparation

1. DGCA Issued Valid CPL with 25 hours on Multi Engine Aircraft

2. Valid ELP

3. Valid Class 1 Medical

4. Valid FRTOL

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